All posts by: Bonnie Taub-Dix

10 Bad Habits to Break to Beat Bloat

Feeling self-conscious about your puffed-out belly? Before you torture yourself with a fad diet and stomach crunches, consider that your “fat” belly may actually just be bloated — and it...

10 ‘Meal Planning’ Tips for People Who Hate Planning

Meal planning doesn’t have to be hard or unenjoyable! Expand your definition of the concept to eat well while embracing spontaneity. Meal planning is touted as a direct route to eating...

3 Simple Reasons to Let Your Kids Play the Mother on Mother’s Day

Not quite like National Pizza Day, but Mother’s Day, to some people, is a commercial, made-up holiday. But for me, Mother’s Day has always been special.  While my boys were...

Tips for Reading the New Nutrition Label if You Want to Lose Weight

Over the last 20 years, we’ve transitioned from counting calories to tracking macros, fearing fat to loving avocado toast and ignoring sugar to demonizing it. Now, after years in the making,...

Are Your Portions Out Of Control? Tools To Help You Eat Less And Healthier

Ever feel frustrated because you’re eating all the right foods but your pounds aren’t melting away? Even though you’ve cut carbs, ditched fats and passed on the booze, your weight-loss efforts aren’t being...

6 Surprisingly Simple Ways To Follow A Mediterranean Diet

A few weeks ago, “Biggest Loser” trainer Bob Harper revealed that he had a serious heart attack, but is on the mend and back at home. Now, he’s sharing more...

3 Bad Eating Habits Parents Should Avoid

As a parent, you’ve probably realized by now that your kids are always watching you. There’s basically nothing that gets past them, and unfortunately, that includes your relationship with food....

Speed Eater? 4 Tips to Slow Down at Mealtime

Remember when your mother told you to slow down and not eat so fast? Mom knew what she was talking about. Eating too fast may spell trouble in the form...

5 Simple Hacks to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Women are great at anticipating a wide range of situations that could otherwise wreak havoc on the lives of our spouses, children, parents, friends, and relatives, yet we often fall...

Vegan Split Pea Butternut Squash Soup

When I have a bowl of my Split Pea Butternut Squash Soup in front of me…I never want it to end! I add a splash Almond Breeze almondmilk for a...