A fun twist on traditional french toast made with challah bread for the holidays. French toast brings back memories of eating breakfast with my family as a child. It’s a...
An easy recipe for healthy chicken salad. Perfect for a quick, healthy lunch on the go! Gluten-free and dairy-free. Although I could stand by my counter for hours cooking up...
My go-to chili recipe. A little spicy, a little sweet, and full of fresh, healthy ingredients. This chili will be your new favorite to make for an easy weeknight meal....
A healthier recipe for homemade pumpkin bread made with whole grains and REAL food ingredients. The addition of dark chocolate and almonds makes this the ultimate wholesome treat. Pumpkin Bread...
An unusual tip to get your kids (and yourself!) to eat more veggies daily. Trying eating more FRUIT to encourage your veggie consumption. As a mom of three, I faced...
Festive red, white, and blue foods and recipes to eat for your Fourth of July celebrations! Red, white, and blue foods should be proud: Not only do they wear the...
Easy, healthy recipes to make for your kiddos (or yourself) during the back to school season. Packing lunches will never be simpler! What comes to mind when you hear the...
A fruity and chocolate filled smoothie recipe to make for an easy, healthy snack or breakfast! Gluten-free, vegan, and full of good for you ingredients. This recipe is so easy...
A creamy fruit and nut based dip that you and your kids will love for a healthy afternoon snack! Vegan, gluten-free, and SUPER easy to make. Kids love to dip...
A patriotic potato salad fit for any summer holiday or BBQ! Gluten-free, packed with vegetables, and lower in calories than classic potato salad, my recipe will be your new go-to...