The truth about dietitians’ diets! Balance is key and deprivation is never the answer.

How many times have you been asked by patients, friends and relative about what you eat?

For me, it’s been so often that I’ve lost count!

I have literally been stopped in the supermarket by clients who see me with pasta, bread or ice cream in my cart! Sheesh! As if those foods were something to fear! When I’m out to dinner with friends, inevitably someone will comment when I put butter on my bread or when I don’t ask for dressing on the side.

Yes, it’s true, dietitians don’t only fill up on produce and that’s not only reflected in what’s on our plates but also what’s on our minds when we teach.

So when you’re out there talking to media during an interview, it’s helpful and important to discuss your own food choices that include foods like fries, butter, chocolate and ice cream and all of those goodies we all deserve to enjoy…at any weight and on any given day. As nutrition professionals, the message of ‘all foods fit’ shouldn’t be lengthy or difficult to comprehend; it needs to come across clearly and succinctly so that dietitians aren’t thought of as the “food police,” (a term I’m sure most of us detest.)

The more realistic your guidance is — the more it will appeal to mainstream media and real people. You’re advice is not a part of a fleeting fad. It’s evergreen…and not just about green veggies!