You might be really smart — but if you can’t explain what you know in a simple fashion — your words will be wasted.

So whether you’re talking to a reporter, a TV host, your significant other or your kids…keep these 4 C-words in mind:

Explain It Simply or Do More Research | Bonnie Taub-Dix

Be CLEAR — Make sure you’re speaking the language of your audience. Don’t discuss scientific studies with second graders! Be sure to become familiar with the language your publication speaks before your pitch to an Editor. Make sure you’re on the same page so that you’re prepared to r each the same audience they  are looking to attract.

Be CONCISE — Say as much as you can in as few words as you can. Less is best. Twitter initially taught us that we needed to say our messages in just 140 characters with powerful, punchy and short statements. And even though they  eased up on their character count — that platform taught us lessons about being concise. Write out your messages and keep shortening them down (I know it seems impossible) until you’re saying the most you can with as few words as you can.

Be CREDIBLE — Speak about subjects that you are trained in so that you have no second thoughts about being the expert behind your messages. Show what you know. Remember that everything you say will be connected to your name and reputation so be sure you mean what you say.

Be CONFIDENT — You were asked to do this job because YOU are the best person to speak on this subject. You can choose to be confident — feel good about who you are and who you serve. You know your stuff…now just get out and share it with the world! We’re waiting to hear from you.