A round up of foods that not only taste good but are good for you too! Love these foods and they’ll love you right back.

Let’s face it: food is love.

Whether it’s the hours we spend shopping, preparing or sharing our favorite dishes, food is a perfect vehicle for touching each of our senses and for showing affection. The taste, temperature, or texture of a food could set the mood and send a tender message.

To get a jump-start on celebrating your Valentine’s Day, turn up the heat with some Mexican faves that are natural aphrodisiacs.  Just include some of the following traditional classics to help fuel a deliciously exciting evening by eating the foods that love you back:

A round up of foods that not only taste good but are good for you too! Love these foods and they'll love you right back. | Bonnie Taub-Dix

Chilis – They get your blood flowing to the right places by increasing circulation. They don’t call them hot for nothing!

Avocado – So here’s a fun fact — the word avocado comes from a Nahuatl Indian (Aztec) word “ahuácatl” meaning testicle, so whether it’s because of its shape or its properties, avocado is a good source of potassium which helps regulate blood pressure. You may want to whip up some guac as an appetizer.

Dark Chocolate – Cocoa contains the chemical phenylethylamine, a stimulant that brings that decadent ahhhh feeling along with a boost to your circulation. Just watch portions or comfort could lead to discomfort.

Mushrooms – Now we know why this food is called a fun-gi! Mushroooms are a rich source of selenium, protecting the cells from aging while also being important for the immune system and fertility in men. Mushrooms are also a source of potassium which aides in maintaining balance in body fluids and blood pressure, insuring that nerves and muscles function properly.

Seafood – Try creating a lighter fish dish as a main instead of meat. Shellfish are particularly rich in zinc, a mineral that can stimulate the production of testosterone, which in turn, could impact your sex drive. Perhaps that’s why the Greek goddess, Aphrodite rose out of the sea on an oyster shell!

Red Wine – Can help relax you, while its antioxidant (resveratrol) content improves circulation and makes your heart smile. Be cautioned, however that too much wine could cause the opposite effect.

Celebrate this day and every day by choosing foods that make you look and feel your best . There’s no better way to show your Valentines that you want them to stick around for many years than to share a healthy meals together!