An easy, high protein alternative to classic meatloaf. Made with ground turkey, lots of veggies, and whole grain breadcrumbs. If you’re looking for a recipe that your family will gobble...
High protein breakfast muffins made from eggs, avocado, and lots of veggies! High fiber and lots of healthy fats to keep you fueled through lunch. Egg and Avocado Breakfast Muffins...
This Banana Bundt Cake is a healthier, homemade option for dessert! Made with whole grains, dairy-free, and lower in sugar than traditional cakes. Headlines and TV news shows are filled...
A healthier sweet bread made with pears, pecans, and pumpkin! High fiber, made with whole grains, and naturally sweetened. Some “breads” are actually quite sweet and sugary, acting more like...
A healthy alternative to traditional cobbler. This No Added Sugar Pear Cobbler is the perfect easy, healthy dessert to make for the holidays or when your next sweet craving strikes....
A delicious alternative to traditional Thanksgiving stuffing made with Challah bread instead of normal bread. Perfect for the holidays! I’ve been making Thanksgiving dinner for my friends and family for...
A quick, easy to follow guide to help you turn your leftover holiday foods into healthy meals and snacks once the holidays have ended. When the holidays—rife with office potlucks...
An easy, healthy, low carb zoodle recipe with almond based sauce. A high fiber, veggie-filled alternative to traditional pasta. Zoodles have become wildly popular as a pasta look-alike that’s lower...
Sharing four of my favorite healthy, yet comforting, recipes to help you fuel your body AND relieve some stress. Ever feel like everything you do and everyone you know gets...
A delicious, easy to make summer salad with lots of fresh veggies, fiber, and healthy fats. Sensational Summer Salad with California Avocados Ingredients 3 cups baby spinach leaves 3 cups baby arugula leaves ½ cup red...