Sharing four of my favorite healthy, yet comforting, recipes to help you fuel your body AND relieve some stress.

Ever feel like everything you do and everyone you know gets more attention from you than you give to yourself? That’s probably because, like many of us, we tend to leave ourselves off of our bulging to-do lists. Work and family pleasures and pressures supersede our own needs, including the necessity to eat in a healthy fashion.

High-pressure roles and responsibilities are often difficult to unplug from, even when you’re not within the workplace. But waiting until you feel less stressed or less busy to take the time to go food shopping and cook a meal could be like waiting for your pet to talk…it’s probably not going to happen.

You can turn stress into success when it comes to cooking by stocking the kitchen with some staples that you could rely on and by not being afraid to use a little culinary creativity. You don’t have to be an Iron Chef to throw together a dish that can make you look and feel great without guilt as a side dish. In fact, the activity of chopping, slicing, dicing and tossing food could be like therapy for some – a healthy way to blow off some steam!

I’ve put together a few recipes from my website, that include a salad, side dish, main course and dessert. (And if you like the dessert muffins, freeze a few so that you can pair one with cottage cheese in the morning for breakfast.)

If you’d like to hear more about nutrition news that you could actually use, and advice on living a healthy, balanced life including motivational tips and mouth-watering recipes, be sure to sign up for my free newsletter HERE.

And if your workplace is in need of some wellness…I can help you implement a program to improve productivity while addressing individual preferences. If you’d like to collaborate — send an email to so that I can learn more about your company.

4 Comforting Recipes for Less Stress

Sensational Summer Salad with California Avocados

Quinoa Veggie Confetti

Salmon with Tangy Mustard/Horseradish Sauce and Nuts

Bonnie’s Banana Almond Bread/Muffins