A round up of tips to help you work from home! Whether you’re taking up remote work or are told to work from home for a few days by your employer, these tips will make the transition easier.

Chocolate Zucchini Muffins

You may be wondering why this story about working from home has been paired with a picture of pastries. In full disclosure, I, too get driven to distraction when I’m working from the office in my house. I’m frequently fighting distractions, and today’s diversion of the day was all about muffin making. 

Although working from home has become more commonplace, for many of us, this past week it became the new normal. For some, it may have initially felt like an adult ‘snow day’, offering a relaxed environment in which to conduct business, perhaps even including wearing your pj’s and slippers and skipping your early morning shower. But as the day progressed, you may have found that a break from your workplace, brought a break from work. 

If this sounds familiar, that’s because not everyone knows how to work from home. To be productive, you may need to fend off distractions, fight the desire to eat unnecessarily, and learn to know when to push pause. As someone who has worked from home for more than 30 years, I’m here to share some tricks of the trade that really (sometimes) work.

8 Hacks to Help You Work from Home | A round up of tips to help you work from home! Whether you're taking up remote work or are told to work from home for a few days by your employer, these tips will make the transition easier.

Nix the notifications.

If I checked my sentence structure as often as I checked my Instagram comments, I’d be writing stellar stories, but that’s easier said than done. To help me focus I (try to) turn off social media notifications to help me pay attention to the task at hand. (I’m @bonnietaubdix on Instagram BTW, if you’re distracted and you’d like to DM me! There’s a good chance I’ll be checking in shortly!) 

Turn off the TV.

I know it’s tempting to keep up with the news, but you can pull yourself away from the tube and check updates in an hour or two. No news is good news when you’re being productive.

Don’t work on your bed.

While we’re trying to fight off the zzzzz’s, you might hear your pillow calling to you if you work from the comfort of your mattress. When you hear yourself saying, “I’m only going to close my eyes for a minute,” that’s the time to leave your bedroom.

Step away from the fridge.

Working a few feet from food is incredibly tempting. The worst place to work is in the kitchen where your fridge and pantry could be at an arm’s length. If possible, try to sit at a desk or stand at a counter in the living room or in a place where nothing edible resides. Simultaneously eating with your keyboard as a side dish, might not keep you from getting your job done, but it usually results in not paying attention to the taste, texture or temperature of the food you’re eating. That lack of awareness could result in overeating and under appreciation of whatever is on your plate.

Bring on the beverage.

If you need to put something in your mouth while working on an assignment, try to make it a steamy mug of tea. Hydration is important to help keep you alert and a hot beverage will take you longer to sip on than something cold. Try adding a cut apple to a mug of apple cinnamon herbal tea so when you’re done, you’ll find a baked apple to munch on. 

Social distance from your pet.

My dog used to be my most fun distraction. If he begged to be lifted to my lap, there’s no story that would have superseded that request. But pets, albeit adorable, may need to be put on hold instead of holding them while you’re working on a less huggable project.

Set a timer.

If you’re really having a hard time sitting in your seat, set a timer for an hour and give yourself a break when you hear it chime.

Get out.

If you really can’t work within the walls of your home, go to a local coffee shop, or better yet, a library where you may find it easier to concentrate. (Just be sure to wash your hands when you get back!) 

There are some distractions that may be worthwhile. Running up and downs stairs, standing while working, taking a walk or asking Alexa to play your favorite song and dancing could help get your creative juices flowing while also keeping yourself awake and feeling fit.

And if all else fails — here’s the recipe to these delicious Chocolate Zucchini Muffins. If you bake them — please post your photo and tag me!