Guac-HUMM-Mole will be your new favorite appetizer or snack! Higher in protein and fiber than traditional guacamole and loaded with creamy deliciousness. Guac-Humm-Mole serves 8 Ingredients 2 avocados – ripe...
Healthy, easy to make muffins filled with bananas and almonds. These muffins are high fiber, full of whole grain goodness, and low in sugar. A sweet snack the whole family...
A tangy, delicious horseradish sauce for salmon and other types of fish! Gluten-free and so easy to make. The beauty of this recipe is that you don’t have to use...
A delicious, healthy, colorful side dish filled with veggies, fiber, and plant-based protein. This quinoa salad will be a new family favorite! Gluten-Free Quinoa Veggie Confetti Salad Ingredients: ½ cup...
High fiber Nutty Apple Pear Cobbler filled with whole grains and and made with no added sugar. A healthy sweet treat you can feel good about eating! We don’t often...
Whole grain, high fiber pumpkin muffins — easy to make and easier to love! Perfect for a quick, convenient breakfast or nourishing naturally sweet snack when you’re on the go. ...
High fiber, high protein chicken parmesan bursting with flavor and lots of veggies for extra nutrients! This easy weeknight meal will be a new family favorite. This is not your...
Eggs aren’t your only option if you want a high protein breakfast. These 9 recipes are great egg-free alternatives in the morning. If you want to feel satiated and energized...
Eggs aren’t just for breakfast! This roundup of 8 healthy egg recipes will have you craving eggs for every meal of the day. High in protein, healthy fats, and a...